PURETi is a range of solutions for continuous purification of the environment -exterior and interior-.
Thus, it decomposes and eliminates dirt, bad smells, bacteria and other air pollutants in the presence of light; promoting the well-being and safety of people, improving the environment and the sustainability of spaces, and reducing the maintenance costs of buildings.
PURETi, de origen americano, está compuesto a base de agua y partículas ultrafinas de MOM. Se aplica mediante micro-nebulización sobre todo tipo de superficies de una forma segura y consigue su efecto, hasta ahora único, mediante un principio básico como es la fotocatálisis. Se trata de tecnología de Blue Wave.
Scientific Committee
Nanoair Solutions SLU, (PURETi Europe) has created a Scientific Committee in order to define the strategic lines of our R & D & I development program for the next two years.
The committee is chaired by Dr. Francisco Aranda, and formed by Vicente Pastor and Juan Marull, with the collaboration of Professor Dña. María Eugenia Rabanal and Powder Technology Group of the Carlos III University of Madrid.
In coordination with PURETi USA este comité definirá las líneas estratégicas del desarrollo de nuevos productos donde explotando la experiencia ya obtenida, las capacidades de nuevos nanomateriales y basados en el mecanismo de la fotocatálisis consigamos resultados disruptivos en funcionalidades de mejora de calidad del aire y capacidades bactericida y viricidas de las superficies tratadas con nuestras nanotecnologías.
With this creation we hope to reinforce our disruptive leadership position in improving air quality (indoor and outdoor) and bactericidal and virucidal capacities.
Dr. Francisco Aranda

Dr. Francisco Aranda holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Massachusetts / Boston, a Master of Science in Applied Physics from the University of Massachusetts / Boston and Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Massachusetts / Lowell
He has worked extensively in optical fibers and nonlinear optics. Dr. Aranda was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Research Council at the Air Force Research Laboratory/ Hanscom AFB.
He was a member of technical staff at Lucent Technologies and a Director of Tests and Measurements at Stocker Yale, Inc. and Verrillon, Inc.
He has authored and coauthored over seventy scientific publications in the area of Photonics and holds two US patents.
Vicente Pastor

Vicente Pastor is a chemical Engineer with extensive experience in protective treatments, polymerization systems and use of nanomaterials in companies such as BASF, Ferroenamel, etc.
Current collaborator in R&D programs of important multinational companies in the chemical sector, especially in the use of new materials and new functionalities.
Juan Marull

Juan Marull is Chemical Engineer IQS, and MBA from the ESADE University. Mr Marull was the CEO for Spain and Southamerica of Azko Nobel and has strong experience in the coatings industry.
Mr Marull has sit on the Board of Directors de varias empresas químicas, entre las cuales destacan Akzo Nobel y Synthesia Chemicals.
Furthermore he is an expert of implementation of new process, research projects implementations in several multinational chemical firms.